Knife blanks are available in LOR-4528 Lohmann Stainless Steel, Bohler N690 Stainless Steel.

Heat treatment specs for each steel are available on this website.

Buy one of these pre-made steel knife blade blanks and customize it with a handle of your own choosing. Ideal for novice and professional knifemakers alike to eliminate the need for creating a cutting tool from scratch in order to complete knifemaking projects in a shorter amount of time.

These blanks are NOT hardened, so you can drill holes for pinning, where preferred, before hardening the blade.



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Bohler Voestalpine LogoLohmann Quality Steel


For more details on building the MODEL H, click on the 3 links below:

Model H Template

Model H Sheath Template

Build a Model H Competition Details and Criteria

The 2023 Non-Guild Competition. For more details, follow this link:

*Photo of Non-Guild Knife as an illustration, courtesy of Mr Schutte*

Please follow the heat treatment spec on the Lohman page on this website.

Knife blade blanks ONLY. 2,5mm, 3mm, 3,5mm, 4mm, 5mm, the thickness may vary slightly.

Perfect for those who would like to add bolsters (Tutorial: How to Fit knife bolsters) or other styles of handles.

Customize your knife blade by choosing from our available handle materials to make the handle yourself.

Additional information

Weight N/A



Voestalpine / Böhler-Uddeholm is a worldwide market leader for tool steel and other specialty steels including high-quality Tool Steels, High-Speed Steel, Silver Steels, and Gauge Plates. It was formed in 1991 as a result of a merger between the Austrian parastatal Böhler and of Uddeholms AB of Sweden.
Bohler Voestalpine Logo


Lohmann is a global leader in the manufacture of High-Speed Steel, Tool Steel, and Special Steel grades and abrasion-resistant specialty steel and heat-resistant castings. They have been developing and producing high-standard, market-leading products in these sectors for over 225 years.
Lohmann Quality Steel


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